Someone Dark

“Two things prevent us from happiness, living in the past and observing others.
“Due cose ci impediscono noi dalla felicità, vivere nel passato e osservando gli altri.



“It is better to be alone, she figures, than to be with someone who can’t see who you are.”
by E. Lockhart
“E ‘meglio essere soli, lei capisce, che stare con qualcuno che non può vedere chi siete.”

11 thoughts on “Someone Dark

  1. There are some very good quotes in this posting
    and the picture choices are excellent my great friend.
    I especially like this quote…

    It is better to be alone, she figures, than to be with
    someone who can’t see who you are.” by E. Lockhart.

    Enjoy a fine start to your week Soul 🙂


    "Mi piace"

    • Thanks for your opinion on this page is always a pleasure to have you as a friend on this visual dialogue.
      I send you my greetings accompanied by a handshake.
      Have a fun Monday darkly 🙂


      "Mi piace"

  2. “E ‘meglio essere soli, lei capisce, che stare con qualcuno che non può vedere chi siete.”
    e se qualcuno riuscisse a vedervi ma non a raggiungervi? Disperante…

    "Mi piace"

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